Patient: Sabrina

Patient: Sabrina

Complex aesthetic rehabilitation with implants and ceramic crowns

Therapy plan in chronological order:

  • Gingivectomy
  • Immediate mounting of implants with temporary crowns
  • Connective tissue graft to preserve the volume of soft-tissues
  • Teeth whitening
  • Emax ceramic crowns on implants with individual zirconium abutment
  • Emax ceramic crown
Sabrina prije poslijje

DSD Digital Smile Design (see mock up video below) helps us to determine:

  • future positions and tooth shapes
  • required gingivectomy dimensions
  • two implant positions

After teeth loss in aesthetical zone( the front) greatest challenge is to preserve soft-tissue, gingiva. Due to limited tissue resources, precise and forseeable plan is the most important.

Sabrina’s new smile!

Rehearsal of the final work (mock up) before the start of the therapy.

Case delivered by: Daniel Žgombić dent and Tijana Brajkocić Cindrić,
Dental technitians: Dental InPuls (Mauro Ahmic, dent. tech., Sandi Trkulja, dent. tech)