Patient: Merima

Patient: Merima

Full functional-aesthetic rehabilitation

Problems that brought patient to us:

  • functional instability of both jaws and bite
  • unsatisfactory and incomplete previous prosthetic treatment
  • impossibility of a normal bite accompanied by general discomfort in the area of ​​the face, teeth, muscles and joints
  • aesthetic problem caused by lack of harmony of face and teeth.
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The solution to the problem was based on a complete diagnosis of the current situation and planning of the final solution and included:

  • DSD – Digital Smile Design
  • functional wax up that determned the final result of both jaws and the treatment phases before starting the therapy itself
  • zirconium ceramic crowns and bridges on implants

Respecting the rules and relations of biology – function – aesthetics, to the patient a natural harmony and aesthetics of a smile is restored.

Case performed by: Daniel Žgombić dent and Tijana Brajkocić Cindrić,
Dental technitians: Dental InPuls (Mauro Ahmic, dent. tech., Sandi Trkulja, dent. tech)

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