Complex aesthetic – prosthetic rehabilitation
Due to a strong bruxism, there was a lot of tooth wear, dysfunction and problems with temporoman-dibular joint, and it affected the very aesthetics of the smile.
You have made my life better, and I am glad to have met you.
– Milana
The case and phases of work are planned with the DSD – Digital Smile Design, (wax up + mock up, see video below, before starting the therapy).
The therapy included the following stages:
- Gingivoplasty to increase the length of the tooth crown
- Teeth whitening
- Ceramic veneers and all-ceramic crowns
By extending the front and lateral teeth, and the symmetry of the gingiva, the aesthetic and a harmony of the smile and the feeling of harmony of the whole face was achieved.
Milana and her new smile!
Mock up test before starting the therapy.
Case performed by: Daniel Žgombić, and Tijana Brajković Cindrić, Technicians: Dental InPuls (Dt.Mauro Ahmić, Dt.Sandi Trkulja)